IT Vendor Management and Process Improvement

Handmarc provides a range of services aimed at helping companies respond to infrequent but time-consuming vendor management events (such as software compliance audits) where knowledgeable employees lack the bandwidth to handle effectively.  Our services unlock the value in information technology organizations’ vendor management function and IT processes. 

Software Licensing Services – When you need a Rapid Response

Software Licensing services address challenges around software publishers and cloud providers, such as responding to a software compliance audit, performing an annual true-up, or analyzing the costs of a proposed subscription model.

Software Contract Services – Getting Value is an Issue

Software Contract services provide negotiation support for agreements with software publishers and cloud providers.  For example, Handmarc assists clients needing to negotiate a new enterprise license agreement, optimize a renewal, or incorporate terms addressing cloud-specific risk factors in a new cloud agreementHandmarc also has services to advise on IT Managed Services agreements and to perform assessments of supplier risks and potential mitigation options.

IT Managed Services Support – When you need Partnership from your Service Provider

IT Managed Services Support services focus on the relationship between the IT organization and its service providers with the objectives of strengthening partnership and improving services.  Services include planning and managing service transition, refining performance management metrics, and improving service delivery through proper governance, informative reporting mechanisms like scorecards and dashboards, and service design innovations.

IT Process Improvement – When IT wants to be a Valued Partner

IT Process Improvement services enable IT to become a valued partner to its business clients in the realizion and improvement of their products and services by delivering superior IT services and outcomes.  Services include establishing Project Portfolio Management (PPM), improving governance structures, and conducting IT process assessments to identify strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities for improvement through a service improvement plan.


In all services Handmarc offers flexible engagement options that allow it to take the lead or to provide support where organizations prefer to take a more prominent role.