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Downloadable Publications and Brochures – Handmarc LLC

Downloadable Publications and Brochures

Download our service briefs: 


Fiscal Year Ends of Selected Major Software Publishers (editable table – Word doc)

Fiscal Year Ends of Selected Major Software Publishers (.ics format)

You can import this downloadable calendar with the fiscal year ends of various software publishers to your own .ics-compatible calendar system (including Outlook and Apple), but first please consider the following:  

    • The Publisher Fiscal Year calendar includes 43 events – one for each publisher’s fiscal year end (including some that are now private or acquisitions where many customers’ licenses may still be aligned with the publisher’s former fiscal calendar) – please delete those that are of no interest to you.  
    • Each calendar event is set up for an email notification 90 days prior to the fiscal year end – you may wish to change the timing of the email notice and update the recipient to a specific individual, shared mailbox or mailing group. 

Blog Posts

Time to Step Up Work on Mid-Year Microsoft EA Renewals

When are you most likely to be audited?

SAM and InfoSec – Better Together?